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Administrative Technician

Jessie Hofseth
P: 763-531-1168
F: 763-531-1188

Communications Manager

Michael Peterson
P: 763-531-1136
F: 763-531-1188

The communications department develops and manages the city's communication programs, ensuring the high quality and timely distribution of accurate and relevant information.
The department utilizes a variety of tools in an effort to remain transparent, share information with citizens, elected officials and city staff, and promote a positive public image of the city and community.

Communications Tools
Brochures, flyers and other publications
CCX Media Cable TV  | Public Access Ch. 19 and 20
City Hall bulletin boards/handouts
City's legal newspaper: Crystal/Robbinsdale Sun Post
City newsletter
City videos (YouTube Channel)
Crystal Community Center bulletin boards and monitors
Direct mail
Feedback surveys
Marquee sign (Crystal Community Center)
Media relations/press releases
Public Meetings: On Demand | Live
Social Media: Facebook, X (Twitter), NextDoor and YouTube.
Utility bill Inserts

Quarterly City Newsletter
Crystal Connection Cover
Click for current Issue

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