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The City of Crystal and its Economic Development Authority (EDA) are seeking proposals from builders to purchase lots for construction of new residences. For more information, please see the Request for Proposal packets which may be found by clicking on each address link below. You may also contact City Planner Dan Olson, at [email protected], or 763-531-1142.
General Notes Applicable to City/EDA Lots for Sale

1. The City/EDA board retains absolute discretion to decide whether to accept any particular proposal or waive any of its guidelines.
2. Proposals must be submitted by state-licensed builders who have built at least three houses in Minnesota in the last five years, or have equivalent experience acceptable to the EDA. The house may be built speculatively or for a specific buyer. If you would be the house buyer, then your builder must submit the proposal; and if the proposal is accepted, then the EDA would sell the lot to your builder.
3. The new house must be an owner-occupied, single family house. It must have at least three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a two-car garage (attached or detached, depending on the site). On a case-by-case basis, the City/EDA may also consider the sale of a lot to provide a new location for an existing house currently located in Crystal. The moved house would have to meet the general requirements described above, be brought up to current codes, and have a final value and long-term viability comparable to a new house.

City Planner

Dan Olson
P: 763-531-1142
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