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Code Enforcement Inspector

This position is currently vacant.

If you have a code enforcement/property question or concern, or would like to report a possible violation, complete the form below.

NOTE: Minnesota law classifies the identity of a reporting party as confidential data, meaning that the city is not allowed to release your identity or contact information to the alleged violator or any other party. DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REPORT A CRIME. CALL 911.

Click here to see the complete City Code.
Click here for the Administrative Enforcement Manual.

Property Violation Form

Bolded fields are required *

Property Address (required) Building # (i.e. "4141")*:  
Street (i.e. "Douglas Dr. N.")*:  
Apt/unit/suite No. (if applicable): 
Description of Property (conditions/possible violations)*:   
Your contact information is required below so city staff can follow up with the to obtain or pass along findings and outcomes, if needed. 
Your name and contact information is confidential and is not released to the public
Your name (reporting party)*:  
May we enter your property to observe the violation? 
Your address:  
Do you want us to follow up with you regarding an outcome? 


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