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Crystal City CouncilThe City of Crystal has a council-manager form of government. Under this plan, the elected members of the council set the policies for the operation of the city. The council hires a professional city manager, who is responsible for the administration of all city business.

The Crystal City Council consists of seven members: a mayor and six council members who are elected to alternating four-year terms. Elections are held in November during even-numbered years. The mayor is responsible for chairing council meetings. In all other ways, the mayor and council members have the same authority and responsibilities.

The City of Crystal City Charter has details regarding general provisions, council procedures,  the administration of the city, taxation, utilities and more. 

Click the tabs below for more information about the City of Crystal's city council members. Find your representative using this map of Crystal's wards, and sections.

Council meetings are generally held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month and are open to the public. They begin at 7 p.m. and are held in the council chambers at Crystal City Hall. Click here for the city council rules of procedure.

Economic Development Authority (EDA)
The city council make up the seven members or the city's EDA. Learn more on the EDA webpage.

Public Participation
The council ensures public participation in their decisions through input at meetings, public hearings, neighborhood meetings, advisory commissions, and community groups. Respectful public input is welcomed and encouraged. Click here to learn about all the ways to contact Crystal City Council members.

The council also has designated the following times as opportunities to hear from citizens:

• Citizens are welcome to bring a topic to the council's attention during the Open Forum portion of regular council meetings. Formal action will not be taken by the city council during Open Forum. No appointment is necessary.

• The mayor and city council members welcome residents and business owners to contact them directly via email of phone regarding city-related topics. No appointment is necessary. Council contact information is above.

State of the City
The mayor provides an annual State of the City presentation. Click here to listen to the podcast. 

Legal Notices
Legal notices are published each Thursday in the Crystal - Robbinsdale Sun Post (Crystal's official newspaper for such notices).

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