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Purchasing Property

Once a closing date has been established, fill out the Transfer of Services Form below. Also, set up your garbage service and your other utilities (utilities list).

File for homestead classification after you occupy the property. You must own, occupy and file by Dec. 31 to receive homestead classification for the following year. Ways to file include:

  • Apply online at This is Hennepin County's preferred method as most staff are currently working remotely.
  • Mail the completed Homestead Application Form along with a copy of your deed and the Electronic Certificate of Real Estate Value (eCRV) number to: 
             Hennepin County Assessor's Office
             Attn: Crystal Homestead
             A-2103 Government Center
             300 South 6th St.
              Minneapolis, MN  55487
  • Come to Crystal City Hall during business hours for a Homestead Application form. You will need to mail your completed form along with a copy of your deed and the eCRV number.

All occupying owners and their spouses (if applicable) should be listed on the same form. Both MUST sign the homestead application (whether or not they are legal owners of the property), either by signing electronically or by signing the paper application. Occupying owners who are not related must fill out separate forms.

Selling Property
  • Cancel your utilities (gas, telephone, garbage, electricity, cable) by contacting each company that provides service to you (Utilities List).
  • Notify the Hennepin County Assessors office at [email protected] that you are moving.
Transfer of Services Form

Bolded fields are required

Your name(s):  
Are you a buyer or seller?  Buyer   Seller
Address of sold/purchased home:  
Forwarding address (if seller):  
Closing Date:  
Name of your buyer or seller:  


Clicking “Submit” automatically sends this information to the Utility Billing Department of Crystal. A member will reach out if there are any questions about the information provided. Unless you need to change or update the information provided, there is no need to follow up; we will make sure to changeover services. We want to make this process as easy as possible for you.
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