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The city recognizes that many households are looking for larger homes. As a result, new homes and significant additions to existing homes are becoming more common. Because Crystal is a fully built community, these new homes and significant additions can impact the surrounding neighbors. The city has established a residential construction management process (city code section 403). When a contractor applies for a permit to construct a new single- or two-family home, or to construct a “major addition” (defined as adding a second story or an addition of more than 500 sq. ft. to an existing single- or two-family home), they will need to adhere to this process.

For Contractors:
Pre-construction meeting – The builder must meet with city staff to go over construction regulations, including hours when activity can occur, removal of debris and drainage onto adjacent properties. This meeting must take place before the building permit is issued.
Construction Management Agreement – The builder must sign an agreement acknowledging city regulations and responsibility to manage their project and be responsible for subcontractors.
Escrow – The builder must make an escrow deposit with the city to guarantee repair of any damage to public property (streets, curbs, sidewalks, utilities and boulevard trees), installation and maintenance of erosion control measures, and clean-up of litter and debris. If the city has to make corrections then the costs would be deducted from the escrow.
Property Sign – The builder will be required to place a sign on the property providing the name of the builder and the name and phone number of the builder’s project manager. The sign must remain on the property for the duration of the project.

For Residents:
City mailing – Residents adjacent to a proposed new home or major addition will receive a letter from the city informing them of the project, and providing contact information for the contractor. The handout Toolkit for Neighbors will be included with the letter.
Complaints – Contact the Code Enforcement Inspector at 763-531-1144 or click here to fill out a Property Violation Form.

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