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Hennepin County has a diseased tree removal and replacement program for homeowners. The program covers 100% of removal and replacement costs for income-qualified homeowners. You can find information on the county website and apply online You can also contact the county at 612-541-1949 or email here.

NOTE: The county often pauses this program when necessary to work through a backlog of applications. To receive email updates about this program, including when an opportunity to apply opens up, subscribe to the county's Urban and Community Forestry Newsletter. In the meantime, if you received a diseased tree removal notice from the city and need to request additional time so you can wait for an opportunity to apply for the county program, contact Brad Fortin at 763-531-1158 or email [email protected] to request an extension.

For homeowners not using the Hennepin County program, diseased tree removal continues to be an eligible expense for the Crystal Economic Development Authority’s Home Improvement Grant for 20% of eligible costs, administered by Center for Energy and Environment, and subject to the standard limitations and requirements of that program. More information is available on the city’s Home Improvement Assistance flyer.

To help determine which program is the best fit for your situation, review this side-by-side comparison of these programs.

Forestry provides for the management of the tree population in the city. Public works staff is responsible for managing, protecting, and replenishing the community's forest resources. The department inventories and inspects public trees and manages disease control. City-owned trees (those growing along streets, in parks, and on other municipal properties) are maintained by private contractors and city staff.

City staff participates in new development planning (landscaping and tree preservation) and assists with enforcement of landscape-related City Code requirements, as well as the planning and enforcement City Code sections related to long grass, noxious weeds and brush/wood storage.

Consult with city staff at 763-531-1000 or email, if you:
• Have questions about trees, tree care, problems, or ownership.
• See boulevard trees with broken or hanging branches that may pose a safety hazard to passers by;
• Believe a tree on your property or the boulevard has emerald ash borer, Dutch elm disease or oak wilt. The forester will come out to inspect the tree. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to remove any diseased trees from his/her property. The city will remove any diseased boulevard trees.

Licensed Tree Trimmers List (Tree Trimmers need to have a city license.  If hiring someone not on this list, they will need to apply for a license before work can begin).

If you received a notice regarding a diseased tree on your property, but are not sure which tree is diseased, complete the request form below and a tree inspector will come out and mark the tree. If you request to speak with a tree inspector at the property,  a meeting date and time will be set up.

Diseased tree removal may be eligible for a Crystal EDA Home Improvement Grant for 20% of the cost, subject to some limitations and restrictions. More information is available on the Home Improvement Assistance flier.

Tree Marking Request Form

NOTE: Only the property owner can give permission for the city to mark a tree on private property.

 Are you the property owner?
 Do you give permission for city tree inspector to mark a tree on your property?
To meet with the tree inspector in person, provide one or two meeting dates (Monday - Friday, between 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.):


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