Rental Food & Beverage Policy
To ensure a high quality of consistent service, the City of Crystal has a preferred catering list with the Lookout, Chuckwagon, Lynde's and Mi Vals as the food and beverage providers for events over 100 people at the CCC. Information on menus and costs are available upon request from the CCC facility coordinator, or by following the links to each preferred caterer.
Rentals serving wine or beer at their event (regardless of attendance) must use a caterer off our preferred list.
Rentals fewer than 100 people, and not serving beer and wine, can bring homemade food to their event.
All events that are open to the public must obtain a Hennepin County Itinerant Food License, which is obtained through the Hennepin County Health Department.
Rentals Involving Beer & Wine
Wine and beer may be served and consumed within the Facility under the following conditions:
- Activities or functions where beer or wine is served, the City requires the organization or group to hire one Police officer per 100 guests for all of the event.
- Consumption of wine and beer must stop at the end of the activity or event, or at 12 midnight, whichever occurs first. Service of wine and beer must stop 30 minutes before the end of your event, or at 11:30 pm, whoever comes first. No alcoholic beverages may be sold in the Center.
- Wine and beer may only be served and consumed within the meeting rooms and gyms.
- All requests for beer/wine must be approved by the Crystal City Council. Requests must be submitted by the Caterer at least 1 month prior to the event.