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Program/Class Proposal for Parks & Recreation

About Proposals

The Crystal Recreation Department offers activities, classes, education, and programs for all ages and abilities. We welcome proposals as long as they do not duplicate anything we are currently offering. Here is a link to our most recent brochures for reference.

Programs are to be educational only. We do not allow sales pitches or direct sales as part of any program. 

Our department strategically schedules activities for the upcoming 6-12 months. Approved proposals will not be implemented immediately; instead, they will be incorporated into our future planning.

Email Address
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Instructor Qualifications

Please summarize your background and qualifications to teach/lead this class or program. We might require proof of certification or licenses, if applicable


Program Title
Program Description
Program Objective

What objectives do you have in mind for this program, and how do they align with our core values of accountability, adaptability, inclusivity, and positivity?


Choose the category that best fits your proposal. 

Adult Activities
Adult 55+ Activities
Health and Wellness
Preschool Activities
Special Event
Youth Activities

One Session Class or Series?
Will your program be a one-session event, or will it be a series?

One Session

Proposed Program Days and Times
What would be the most suitable day and time to schedule this program? Please consider that there are constraints related to limited facility space, which might impact the program's timing.


Have you taught this program elsewhere?


Are you willing to teach this class in an outdoor setting?

Not feasible

Equipment or Space Needs:

Please note any special room or equipment requirements (dance room, TV, fitness equipment, etc.). Note that you may be required to provide your equipment based on City availability.


What is the cost to run your program, and how much would you charge?

Do you carry independent contractor liability insurance?*

Proof will be required if applicable

IMPORTANT: If selected to lead your proposed class, you will be added as a contracted employee. 


Promotional Information
Please note by supplying this information, you agree the City of Crystal can use it in the listing, marketing, or other promotion of your class or program.  Do not include your social accounts. 



Other socials:



What Happens Next

  • When you click Submit, your application will be sent to the appropriate staff for review. 
  • Please note you will not receive an email receipt or copy of your submission as it has been encrypted for data security. 
  • We will contact you at the email or phone number you supplied on this application. Depending on the number of applications and staff availability for review, it might take up to a month.

For questions, email the Recreation Department or call 763-531-0052.

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